Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/01/21

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Subject: [Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far
From: lists at (Harrison McClary)
Date: Mon Jan 21 14:59:32 2008
References: <> <> <>

If your budget is that then you really ought to look at the 5D, it has 
lower noise than the D300 does and is only $300 more now, plus you have 
a wider selection of lenses from Canon than Nikon, and you have a much 
larger sensor.

Richard Man wrote:
> But Mark, the D300 and E-3 are within $100 of each other, and similar 
> weight and sizes so it's a fair comparison. The 1.5x crop vs. 2x crop 
> is not that much different, especially IF you prefer the 4/3 ratio.
> The D3 is a whole different class. It should be compared with 
> 1DsMkIIIOMGWTFBBQ, or the 5DsuperDuperMKCCIXV.
> My budget calls for the D300/E-3 (actually my budget calls for E410, 
> but I digress). If I lift weights and have more money, then the D3 
> would be very good to have. 

Harrison McClary
Harrison McClary Photography
ImageStockSouth - Stock Photography
Tobacco Road: Personal Blog:

Replies: Reply from leicachris at (Christopher Williams) ([Leica] Re:OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far..screw budgets)
Reply from images at (Tina Manley) ([Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far)
In reply to: Message from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far)
Message from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far)
Message from richard-lists at (Richard Man) ([Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far)