Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/04/08

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Subject: [Leica] Selling gear
From: nathan at (Nathan Wajsman)
Date: Tue Apr 8 22:06:39 2008
References: <>

Well, if you have plenty of money to burn, then I guess buying a  
piece of kit to let it sit for a year may be OK. I prefer to buy  
stuff that I use. As for ebay, I just checked my profile to remind  
myself--next month will be 10 years since I signed up. In those 10  
years I have 28 transactions. Hardly "very high ebay activity".

In Weston's time the development of lenses and cameras was very slow,  
so there was much less need and possibility to buy new stuff.


On 9-apr-2008, at 0:18, Mark Rabiner wrote:

>> I do not agree with Mark's point. I understand that he objects to
>> people just flipping gear every 3 months, and there are certainly
>> lots of such people around, especially on the Fred Miranda Buy & Sell
>> forum (great place to pick up especially Canon and Nikon gear). I
>> don't do that. But if I realize that I have a piece of equipment that
>> I am not using, then I am quite ruthless--out it goes.
> Snip
> Focusing on the short haul like that certainly justifies the very  
> high eBay
> activity which grabs so much of the time on I think the average  
> person on
> this list or any similar list.
> I think if we have aspirations toward the doing of meaningful  
> photography
> its best to do what most people successful in that endeavour did  
> before.
> Think on the longer haul.
> In his whole like Weston used 3 or 4 cameras.
> When I get a chunk of gear it could sit a year before I really ever  
> use it.
> I could use it but then it sits two years and then becomes an  
> interlaced
> part of my walking out the door kit.
> Right now I'm gotten  a 28 1.4 Nikkor which sat for a year in the  
> back of a
> drawer. On a body which sat for 6 months.
> The batteries one of which was lit up on the charger really wasn't  
> charged.
> I thought it had gone bad but its just what happens when you leave  
> a battery
> in the charger for 6 months. They don't keep charging it. And it  
> sits and
> discharges I've learned.
> I had to re teach myself the camera and carry the manual with me  
> wherever I
> go. Having decided its ok to carry around a heavier more solid "kit".
> That does not mean I SELL my D40x because it might sit for a few  
> months.
> That's just crazy. Its by backup camera now.
> Soon it might be playing first string again.
> It sits on the bench and waist. Its batteries NOT charging  in the  
> charger I
> guess I know now.
> Mark William Rabiner
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Nathan Wajsman
General photography:

Replies: Reply from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] Selling gear)
Reply from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Selling gear)
Reply from leica at (R. Clayton McKee) ([Leica] Selling gear)
In reply to: Message from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Selling gear)