Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/12/18

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Subject: [Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras
From: philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD)
Date: Thu Dec 18 13:41:00 2008
References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

Michiel Fokkema wrote:

> P
>> Michiel Fokkema wrote:
>>> I like it most when stuffed into a caille with some truffle.
>> Never tried, how do you do that?
> There are two ways.
> Take the quail as it is and stuff it like you do with a chicken or a 
> turkey. use a mixture of  the foie gras, truffle and cognac. Bake it 
> in the oven for maybe 20 minutes on a crouton. Serve with a port or 
> cognac demi-glace sauce. Or serve like "Caille en sarcofage" like in 
> the movie "Babettes feast"
> Or
> De bone the quail and put the foie gras truffle cognac mixture in the 
> middle. roll it into a sausage into plastic foil. Close very careful 
> and poach it for 40  minutes. Let it cool down in the fridge for a day 
> or so and there you go. Like a chicken gallantine.
Both looks yummi !
Thanks for the tips

>> Ever tried 'cooking' just by thermal shocks by taking it in and out 
>> of fridge repeatedly while still in the 'alcholic' mixture?
>> I read that once but have never tried.
> Never heard of it.
> I'm also educated as a food scientist and doubt that something can be 
> cooked or cured by just taking it in and out of the fridge.

Alcohol is supposed to do the trick, in part - think of gherkins in 
vinegar ...

> But one never know, cooking isn't really something we understand 
> totally and I've seen stranger things happen.
> cheers,
> Michiel Fokkema
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In reply to: Message from glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from lug at (Steve Unsworth) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel Fokkema) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)
Message from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel Fokkema) ([Leica] PAW 50 : Phx - Foie Gras)