Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/10/31

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Subject: [Leica] IMG: Flair - Edit for Ted + thanks all
From: philippe.amard at (philippe.amard at
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 10:05:09 +0100 (CET)
References: <> <13435433.2196691288470112285.JavaMail.www@wsfrf1127>

I think this is what Ted had in mind.
And was in the file ;-)
No hard feelings here.

This edit is just full auto in LR with a slight touch of contrast added and 
a click on clarity - as when using a more contrasty paper in the darkroom.

A very different snap for sure ;-)
The lens performed as it should, I think.
But both flare and  "flair" are lost.

Thanks to all who viewed and commented.

Bien amicalement 

Message du : 31/10/2010
De : tedgrant at
A : leicareflex at
Copie ? : 
Sujet : [LRflex] Re: IMG: Flair 


To: "Leica-Reflex" 
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 1:21 PM
Subject: [LRflex] Re: IMG: Flair

Philippe mon ami,
I know there will be people who will get on my back for saying what I'm 
about to say as  critique of this photograph.

Let's put this in it's correct perspective! ..... "the flair is a mistake 
because light flaired off the lens and should have been deleted or thrown 
away!"   And right there is the photographic truth! :-(

You know it, I know it and so should everybody else! If I had taken this I'd 
have been completely devastated due to the flair!! Certainly with myself for 
not picking up the flair at the time of the exposure.

However, it happened. But I'd have never posted it because I'd have put it 
in the garbage! PERIOD! We can make all the excuses for trying to fix it and 
or why it happened, but that doesn't make it right. It was an error in 
exposure and should've been deleted.. And yes it has wonderful potential as 
a very interesting photograph! If taken without the flair! Using a Lens 
shade or whatever shading cutting the light entering the lens at the wrong 

And that's a photographic fact, not my making it up! We all have things like 
this happen! :-(

We have any number of members trying to "fix it" with contrast or whatever, 
which of course it needs or something else. But if exposed without the lens 
flair it wouldn't require the posts on, "HOW TO FIX IT!" It can't be! As 
it'll never look as great as it would've been without the flair at the 
moment of the initial exposure!

You are absolutely correct, the light is beautiful! I have no problem with 
that because behind the "flair" one can see great photo potential with the 
back lighting! But the lens flair kills the photograph completely. And given 
the number of posts "attempting to make it work" or praise of a lens error 
only proves it didn't work. The more attempts at fixing it only prove  a 
lens flair occurred and ruined the photo right at the moment of exposure.... 
so throw it away. Like people say... "crap happens" ! So don't mess with it, 
sigh quietly and forget about it and hope you find a better one on another 

Look we all have this kind of light flair happen at sometime in our 
photographic lives. It usually happens when it's a wonderful photo moment. 
The exposure happens, the sun or backlight flairs through the lens, the 
moment is lost. That's life. :-(

Fiddling with it only makes it worse and more frustrating because we truly 
know in our hearts we unfortunately have lost what would have been a 
beautiful photograph if shot without the flair!


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Replies: Reply from imagist3 at (George Lottermoser) ([Leica] IMG: Flair - Edit for Ted + thanks all)
Reply from leicaslacker at (kyle cassidy on the lug) ([Leica] IMG: Flair - Edit for Ted + thanks all)
Reply from lluisripollquerol at (Lluis Ripoll) ([Leica] IMG: Flair - Edit for Ted + thanks all)
Reply from tedgrant at (tedgrant at ([Leica] IMG: Flair - Edit for Ted + thanks all)
In reply to: Message from philippe.amard at (philippe.amard) ([Leica] IMG: Flair)