Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/05/16

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To: leica-users <>
Subject: Re: Reflections from a new M6 owner
From: Ohtonen Pasi <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 96 21:34:00 eet
Encoding: 14 TEXT

> >Camera 1706238 is post-1986 but, as the new management refuses to release
> >production data and serial number ranges,  it would be difficult to date
> >beyond that.

This particular camera is made in Wetzlar so it is made between 86-88.
If we get more serial numbers and years, maybe we could make up an
unofficial guide to M6 production dates (provided that the serial number
range does not have "holes" in it. Any volunteers to make such a list?

Special M6 collector cameras do have a different numbering scheme
anyway, do they?


Replies: Reply from Michael Volow <> (Re: Reflections from a new M6 owner)