Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/05/26

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To: leica-users <>
Subject: Lens cap for the M Summicron 35?
From: Ohtonen Pasi <>
Date: Sun, 26 May 96 22:14:00 eet
Encoding: 14 TEXT

Some of the M Summicron 35 lenses came with rectangular
lens hood. What I'm wondering is, how does the lens cap for
that lens look like? Does it fit into the lens hood, or is it round
just like most of the other Leitz lens caps?
If it is round, can it be on the lens at the same time with the hood?

I'm considering one particular 35/2, but it's without the cap...
Do you M 35/2 -users use the hood and/or cap? Is there any
difficulties with it?


Pasi Ohtonen

Replies: Reply from "joe b." <> (Re: Lens cap for the M Summicron 35?)