Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/11/08

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Subject: 50 mm macro???Pleease help!
From: Hal Robinson <>
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 10:22:54 -0500

Hi, I am A young photography student.  I was recently given my grandfathers
M-4 and have had much success with it. I have a question that pertains to a
fifty mm Summicon lens.   On the top of the lens there is a small button,
when pushed I am able to push the lens out half an inch and slide it over so
that I can focus it on a different scale.(It is not measured in feet or
meters on this side of the lens, the other side is, as on most the other
lens)  Is the a macro function? This "other" side of the lens is labeled in
ins. and has marking from 20 to 32 and ratios such as 1:12 on this scale.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hal Robinson

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