Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/11/16

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Subject: RE: [Leica] LF Questions: Was: Leica For sale
From: "Frank Filippone" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 11:30:12 -0800

Phong... the questions I asked are meant to help any aspiring LF user to
focus in on the camera best suited for him ( her).  Having said that, if
weight and cost were no object, the hands down best 4x5 or 8x10 camera I
have ever seen is the Linhof Master GTL.  Lots of movements that are really
smoooooooth, all vernier adjusted.  Very stable at around 30 pounds for the

ARCA and Cambo makes an equivalent as well.  But overall, for a little under
$10K, you can get a wonderful camera from Linhof, new.  Used they sell for
around $2500-4000.  Now the lenses will be $1000-2500 each, new ( we are all
used to that having Leica optics).  The 8x10 CFH are around $50 each.  You
need a dozen.

Moving up to 11x14?  Cameras are either old and cruddy, fixed up somewhat
and not rigid, or new and $4500.  Holders are a real shocker.. 5 recently
sold for $2200.  And lenses?  Figure the same price, but not new....
$1000-2500 used.

Are you a REAL MAN?  16x 20 should do it for you...... the camera is around
$8K, lenses are $2000, and film holders are custom made for your camera at
around $500 each.

Not big enough yet?  20x24 is the right size for you?  Expect the Mercedes
or BMW purchase to be on hold until you pay off the camera....and those film
holders?  .... $9K for the camera box, $600 per film holder.  Film costs ...
if you have to ask.........

No, assuming you have a panoramic eye, prices are around the same.  But film
just got to be an even bigger nightmare....

I shoot 4x5.  It cures the problems with cost, film availability and
especially enlargers.  Most LF cameras are used with contact printing, as
enlargers are both REALLY $$$, and big... Like big enough to not fit through
the front door of your house.

Frank Filippone

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