Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/11/24

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Subject: Re: [Leica] DEADLINE I*AQ - Uncensored Stories of the W*r - CBC
From: Frank Dernie <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 06:17:43 +0000

Useless information number N+1
In Scotland if you fish for Salmon and Trout inland you have always 
been, in my experience, a "fisher". If you go out to sea in a boat 
perhaps fisherman may have been used - I am not sure, perhaps fisher 
folk. The village my wife comes from on the Moray Firth coast has two 
quite geographically separate sections, the fishers cottages crammed 
into the low flat area near the harbour and the shops and others on the 
higher ground. Traditionally the fishers cottages were painted the same 
colour as their boat, lovely photographs. The whole coastline is 
exceptionally beautiful though the cold keeps holidaymakers away.
The fishing villages are sadly dead now, there are no fish left.

On Tuesday, November 25, 2003, at 02:14  am, Tim Atherton wrote:

>> I'd like to point out that in television "Camera operators"
>> designates fixed camera positions, such as
>> you might find in a studio.
> Actually, now I think about it Sonny, I know why they used the term - 
> it's
> the neuter of Cameraman which is what they would have said before the 
> PC
> police got on their case - honest. I'm sure that's why they used the 
> term.
> (a CBC news crew still consists of a reporter, a producer and a 
> cameraman
> (camera operator) )
> Same as Fishermen have now become Fishers
> tim
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