Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/12/02

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Subject: RE: [Leica] The LEICA DIGILUX 2 is announced
From: "Red Dawn" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 00:57:32 +0800


Ditto on all the small sensor issues - a 10D or D100 with their much
larger sensor is going to produce better pics I'm sure than this
incarnation of a Leica digital..... Even the Oly E1 too!

Still, it has the looks. It has the red dot. :)

But at 1800 euros (rumoured) they must be dreaming!

AF = yes (thank God they put it in ;))
MF = mechanical ring but the focus is fly-by-wire, using EVF....(not
sure if this will work out really..)

Boon Hwee

- -----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dan C
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Leica] The LEICA DIGILUX 2 is announced

Precisely.   My experience with these p/s style cameras is that the
are all essentially the same.  When one model's output appears to be
sharper, or have less noise than their competitors, it is usually
because they do intrenal processing in the camera to try and fix these
"defects", but personally, I'd rather to the repairs myself in Photoshop
or some other image processing software.  There are other image factors
such as colour fringing which appears in some models but not in others
which might be
important to some people.   But the limitations of these small chips are
common to all of the cameras using them.   My biggest complaint, and the
reason I still use film cameras, is their inability to allow for shallow

Other issues important to me are operational factors such as autofocus
accuracy and speed (terrible in my Minolta D7, but good in the Leica D1,
for example).   All the talk of the D2 concerns it's manual operation.
But for that kind of camera, AF performance is still an important factor
to consider (it isn't immediately clear to me if the camera offers, AF,
but it must!).  Also, is the manual focus real, or focus by wire?

- -dan c.

At 08:16 AM 02-12-03 -0700, John Collier wrote:
>Actually the small sensor size IS why they have not offered higher
>John Collier
>On Dec 2, 2003, at 7:47 AM, Eric Welch wrote:
>> Isn't the end result what counts? Numbers like this are irrelevant to
>> actual image quality. It's how the lens images. And that being said,
>> find the camera pretty interesting, but the fact that it stops at ISO

>> 400 is really bad...
>> On Dec 2, 2003, at 4:29 AM, Rei Shinozuka wrote:
>>> what does the 2/3 inch actually measure?  the specifications say 
>>> that their 7-22.5mm lens is the 35mm equivalent of 28-90mm which 
>>> would imply a sensor 1/4 of the linear dimensions of 24mmx36mm, or 
>>> something like 6mmx9mm.  which is about your guess.
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