Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2005/09/21

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Subject: [Leica] What causes blocked up shadow?
From: jblack at (John Black)
Date: Wed Sep 21 09:42:36 2005
References: <>

> With the last roll of Tri X soaped in Xtol 1+1 (e.g. I have been using the
> same combo with much success), some of the pictures have really bad
> shadow. Here's a 100% crop:

Hard to say from the one crop but it looks like under exposure to me.  Tri-X
has a wonderful, wide exposure latitude and you might be getting into too
much difference between your metered subject (full sun maybe?) and the
shadows.  Generally, if there is no more than 3 stops difference, you can
get shadow detail with this film.

Try opening up a stop or two when shooting these type scenes and dilute your
Xtol to 1+3 so the highlights won't be blown.


In reply to: Message from richard-lists at (Richard) ([Leica] What causes blocked up shadow?)