Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/04/14

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Subject: [Leica] Was Foot Washing, Now Abrahamic Faiths
From: bquinn at (Barney Quinn)
Date: Fri Apr 14 12:22:28 2006
References: <>

Nice shot. And good for the priest. His arthritis clearly isn't as
advanced as mine is! :-)

I had sending you an e-mail on my list of things I wanted to get done
today. Last night on our local PBS station, WETA, they had a two hour
program about the Abrhamic Faiths. Have you seen it? It's mostly a dozen
or so interviews with world class theologians, clergy, authors, and
professors and believers taking about relations between Christians,
Muslims, and Jews. It's basically a "talking head" program, but they cut
from speaker to speaker so that it seemed to be a round table
discussion. It was, in my opinion, well edited, and it moved along. I
found the program to be very interested and I was naughty. I stayed up
past my bed time to see it through to its conclusion.

As I was watching the program i was reminded of you and your "Faiths of
Abraham" ( I hope that I have that right ) project. Is this TV show
related to it? I found myself rather encouraged by the end of the
program. I went to bed thinking that perhaps there was some hope, after
all. That's a good thing. Hope is as good a single word description of
Easter as any other. Then I read your post this morning and all but
wept. I say this as a Cradle Irish Catholic. Perhaps progress is one
step back and two forward. One of the things they did on the program
last night was to ask Jews, Muslims, and Christians what they didn't
like people to say about them. The Christians said they didn't like it
when people called them intolerant or bigots. I spent a moment or two
wondering about where that came from. the Bishop of Charlottesville has
answered my question. How sad. All of us on the  LUG who pray might want
to pray for him.


Tina Manley wrote:

> A Catholic priest in Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish washes the feet of
> 12 selected men during Holy Thursday observances.  Bishop Peter Jugis
> of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte reminded priests that only
> men's feet could be washed during the Holy Thursday services, causing
> controversy among many this Lenten season.
> Thanks for comments, etc.
> Tina
> Tina Manley, ASMP
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Barney Quinn, Jr.
(301) 688-1982 (O)
(240) 535-3036 (C)
(877) 220-0981 (P)

Replies: Reply from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Was Foot Washing, Now Abrahamic Faiths)
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In reply to: Message from images at InfoAve.Net (Tina Manley) ([Leica] Foot Washing)