Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/03/01

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Subject: [Leica] RE: Choices for ring flash photography
From: jbraun at (J. Braun)
Date: Sat Mar 1 12:49:51 2008
References: <>

Christopher Williams wrote:
> I've been looking into possibly getting a ring flash for my cameras as an 
> alternative flash. Alien Bees and a couple of other
companies have them from around $300 and up. Downside if you almost have to 
get a portable battery pack which adds some weight. Like
this D3 doesn't already weigh enough! Most likely I'd use it on the Lika 
> But a few clicks online lead me to this awesome amazing camera+ringflash 
> kit!
> Sweet! Now could we get a Phase One back to work on it?
> Chris
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I find the "Nikon Close-up Speedlight Commander Kit R1C1" is excellent.  It 
is expensive at $750.  However, it is versatile and very
well thought out.  It is not a true ring light.  It comes with two small 
flash units that attach to the end of the lens.  I use it
with the 105mm macro lens. I find it has met every need I have for a close 
up flash unit.  My only dislike of the unit is the
inability to use a polarizing filter.  It can be used with the D3 and D200.  
If this unit has been discussed, I apologize.  I get
the digest list and miss things.