Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/01/04

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Subject: [Leica] Leica Century
From: philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD)
Date: Sun Jan 4 11:54:16 2009
References: <> <>

Craig Semetko wrote:

> Wow is right! Well done, Alastair, on putting your thoughts down and  
> thinking things through.
> Count me in for the project.
> While I totally understand your concerns over getting enough 
> pictures,  IMHO, I would think we should use all Leica equipment for a 
> project  called Leica Century. Ironically, we had that requirement, I 
> think,  for FOM2, which didn't bear the Leica name in the title, so I 
> think if  we're now commemorating 100 years of Leica we ought to use 
> Leica.
> And to me, the camera, or "box" DOES matter. I understand the concept  
> that a good photographer can take a good picture with any camera, but  
> virtually ALL of my best photographs have been taken with a Leica M.  
> It simply feels right. I have tried to use SLR's and they are great  
> tools for certain jobs but they don't feel right to me. I prefer  
> street photography and I have not been able to accomplish what I want  
> in that arena with any other camera than a Leica M.

So we're back to it?
What of Alastair's wonderful R DMR pictures in Antartica then?
Sorry Craig, your views seem much too narrow for me to join if ever ...

> So while I understand when people say the camera doesn't matter I  
> strongly but respectfully disagree. That may be perfectly true for  
> them, but for me, the red dot means much more than a status symbol.
> Cheers,
> Craig
> On Jan 4, 2009, at 8:48 AM, wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 08:46:50 -0600
>> From: "Fred Holzapfel" <>
>> Subject: [Leica] Leica Century: initial proposal from Alastair: LONG!!
>> To: <>
>> Message-ID: <000001c96e7b$47093bb0$d51bb310$@net>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="us-ascii"
>> Wow, Alastair, count me in.  After reading your LONG post twice I  
>> find this
>> an inspiring and exciting challenge to us all to improve our day to  day
>> photography.  I look forward to submitting to this effort.  Well  
>> written.
>> Thank you for heading up this effort.  It's almost like getting a late
>> Christmas present.   What a good way to make it a "Happy New Year".
>> Fred Holzapfel
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