Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/11/10

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Subject: [Leica] PAW - Leica Night at Jim Shulman's
From: Phong <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 14:00:52 -0500

Last Saturday, Jim hosted a Leica party at his
place in Bryn Mawr, in the Philadelphia suburbs.
I took the opportunity to drive down from Boston
to attend Jim's party and then visit my mother
and sister in nearby Reading.

Jim was the perfect host; we had good food, good wine,
good company, and great fun comparing photographic notes
and Leica lore.    Here are some photos from the party:

Colin of came down from New York City.
Seen here admiring Jim's Kodak Retina 35mm folder camera:
[By coincidence, I have taken recent interest in older folders.
I have had a more recent Fuji 645 folder for quite a while, but
am looking for folders in 6x9.]

Owen, a sweet, quiet, non-LUG local Leica buff who is very
knowledgeable in Leica photography and quality printing:

Tony Green who brought some very nice prints in B&W, here trying out
Jim's 90mm Elmar-C, I believe:

Sal Dimarco, who does not need any introduction.  I have heard much
of Sal, but this was the first time I met Sal in person.  I very
much enjoyed Sal's stories throughtout the evening.  Some of the
stories are literally "war" stories.

When I inroduced myself to Charles Stirk, he said "I bought a lens
from you".  Good thing it was a performer of a lens (a very clean
90mm Tele-Elmarit f/2.8, which I still ocasionally miss), otherwise
the party might not have been as much fun for me :-).  Here's Charles,
who drove up from Wilmington, Delaware:

The inimitable Kyle Cassidy, none too pleased at being snapped :-) :

Despite the appearance, Sal is not grabbing my scotch:
He was actually in the midst of one of those war stories.

At one point, Kyle suddenly stood up and acted as though he was at a
press conference:

Kyle has used digital for so long, he doesn't know what to do with a Leica.
Colin ignored him and looked on:

Robert Clark, who drove over from Lancaster, with Colin in the mirror:

Another shot of Robert Clark:

There are others that I didn't have a chance to take a photo, particularly
Jim :-(.  Anyway, many thanks to you Jim for a most enjoyable evening.


- - Phong

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Replies: Reply from "Bill Harting" <> (Re: [Leica] PAW - Leica Night at Jim Shulman's)
Reply from "Eric" <> ([Leica] Re: PAW - Leica Night at Jim Shulman's)
Reply from Mark Rabiner <> (Re: [Leica] PAW - Leica Night at Jim Shulman's)