Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/01/11

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Subject: [Leica] under vs. over exposed peeps
From: Kyle Cassidy <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 18:01:22 -0500

>If I understand you correctly, you have underexposed the Provia by 5 
>stops (if you rated the film at 3200). This sounds pretty hopeless. I 
>would stop by s-Color and ask what they think about a 3-stop push, but 
>that would still only get you to 800 and cost you an arm and a leg... 

> shot away three rolls of Neopan 1600 at 3200 ASA I thought. Only when > I
went out to get 
> them processed this morning, I found that one of these rolls had 
> actually been a Provia 100! 

that would have actually been OVER exposing four stops. so you want to PULL
process it. i think it's perfectly likely you have useable images there (my
definition of useable is different than most other peoples i think)

let us know how it goes.

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Replies: Reply from John Collier <> (Re: [Leica] under vs. over exposed)
Reply from Ted Grant <> (Re: [Leica] under vs. over exposed peeps)