Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/10/26

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Subject: [Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200
From: glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer)
Date: Fri Oct 26 19:30:14 2007
References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

Mark und Marc,

How dare Mark affirm that I have no right to participate in the LUG 
since I have never posted any pictures!

I have no digital capability or ability to post photos on the LUG site.  
You can visit me if my home has not
slid down the mountain or burned in the fires, and I will show you 
pictures.  They have been exhibited
when we had Bob Davis Camera Shop here in La Jolla.

I simply don't have the time to learn Digitography, as they call it 
lately.  I am too busy working on the
787 Dreamliner.

So Mark, think of the vilest insult you can think of me saying to you.

And Marc, I agree with you completely


Marc James Small wrote:
> At 02:24 PM 10/26/2007, Philippe Orlent wrote:
> >
> >I could go with that.
> >But then again, a forum of Leica users where people only would talk
> >about using it could quickly become rather, how should I put it, boring.
> >
> >Not that I am against that. In fact, I'm interested in the broadest
> >possible mix of people talking about any and every aspect of
> >photography. Especially with Leica, because for that specific type of
> >camera (let's equal Leica to M, to keep it simple*), some choices/
> >aspects seem sometimes strange. But always interesting. I find that
> >fascinating.
> >So streetphotography vs photojournalism vs art photography vs a
> >technical or theoretical approach (benchmarking and testing included)
> >vs a deep interest in the historic apsect of the brand vs ...
> >
> >I'm all very open to that.
> >But when reading your mails, I get the impression that you're not.
> >
> Philippe
> The LUG spent its first eight years or so as a discussion list as this 
> predated the digital revolution and scanners and the like.  The LUG 
> was as interesting and active then as its now.  I have been a LUG 
> member almost from the beginning.
> My posts on this topic were engendered by Mark Rabiner's suggestion 
> that you were not entitled to participate in discussions on the LUG if 
> you did not post pictures.  I have no objections to those who wish to 
> post their pictures doing so and others critiquing them.  I 
> stringently object to being told that I HAVE to post to belong to the 
> LUG.  Some of us just do not like to post pictures.
> Marc

Replies: Reply from von-ohlen at (Bill Larsen) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)
Reply from dlridings at (Daniel Ridings) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)
Reply from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)
In reply to: Message from s.dimitrov at (slobodan dimitrov) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)
Message from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)
Message from marcsmall at (Marc James Small) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)
Message from philippe.orlent at (Philippe Orlent) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)
Message from marcsmall at (Marc James Small) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)
Message from philippe.orlent at (Philippe Orlent) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)
Message from marcsmall at (Marc James Small) ([Leica] Developer for Neopan 1600/TMax 3200)