Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2017/01/30

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Subject: [Leica] Keoladeo National Park
From: jhnichols at (Jim Nichols)
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 21:39:30 -0600
References: <>

Great shots, Jayanand.  Your B&W work came out quite well. You really 
nailed the focus with the Purple Heron.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 1/30/2017 9:27 PM, Jayanand Govindaraj wrote:
> The next installment of photographs starts off with four shots of a pair of
> squabbling Glossy Ibis. I was photographing something i the diametrically
> opposite direction when I turned around and saw this presumably territorial
> squabble starting. I had no time to change the settings, so I ended up with
> a set of grossly underexposed images, but with fine, dramatic action. As
> the Glossy Ibis is a dark, muddy reddish brown in colour, there was no real
> colour of note in the frames, so I converted the lot to B&W, and then set
> about recovering whatever detail was possible - only the last shot is
> processed differently, more of a silhouette:
> Squabble 1:
> Bharatpur/Bharatpur-20170122-2087.jpg.html
> Squabble 2:
> Bharatpur/Bharatpur-20170122-2102.jpg.html
> Squabble 3:
> Bharatpur/Bharatpur-20170122-2103.jpg.html
> Squabble 4:
> Bharatpur/Bharatpur-20170122-2105.jpg.html
> Next on the agenda is a Purple Sunbird in breeding plumage:
> Bharatpur/Bharatpur-20170122-2128.jpg.html
> Two migrant geese from Central/Northern Asia - the Bar-headed Goose and the
> Greylag Goose. The former is arguably the highest flying bird in the world,
> flocks having been seen flying over Mount Everest, but what I find even
> more amazing is that they cross the Himalayas in one go, non stop!
> Landing:
> Bharatpur/Bharatpur-20170122-2173.jpg.html
> High Flyer:
> Bharatpur/Bharatpur-20170122-2047.jpg.html
> Finally, a Purple Heron keeping watch early one morning:
> Lookout:
> Bharatpur/Bharatpur-20170122-1227.jpg.html
> Please see LARGE
> Criticism and comments, as ever, welcome!
> Cheers
> Jayanand
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In reply to: Message from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] Keoladeo National Park)