Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/08/01

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Subject: [Leica] OT Pentax K10d opinions
From: eduardoalbesi at (Eduardo Albesi)
Date: Wed Aug 1 19:58:46 2007
References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

I trust you.
On Canon and Nikon cameras, you can usually manually focus some  
centimeters (too many) before or after the subject and still get the  
green dot of confirmation on

I hadn't the chance to try the K10d with manual lenses yet, but I  
will do it tomorrow to see if I like it.
So far,

El 01/08/2007, a las 23:12, Jim Hemenway escribi?:

> > I don't usually trust focus confirmation after using Canon DSLRs  
> and  a
> > host of Nikon SLRs -D and not D-. Do you find the one on the k10d
> > reliable?
> Eduardo... it works better than my eyes.  Look again at these pics,  
> becasue I used the K10d focus confirmation with them.
> With an old Macro-Takumar screw-mount lens:
> Jim
> Eduardo Albesi wrote:
>> Jim,
>> El 01/08/2007, a las 21:28, Jim Hemenway escribi?:
>>> Eduardo:
>>> Once I got the 6mp isDS about 2-1/2 years ago and found the   
>>> viewfinder to be so bright, I stopped looking for a split-image   
>>> screen... same thing with the 10mp K10d.
>> I was surprised when I first looked through the k10d viewfinder,  
>> it  struck me as being as bright at least as the D200's. So I hope  
>> it to  be as easy to focus as that one.
>>> With the either camera you get a focus confirmation circle at  
>>> the  bottom of the viewfinder... and you get a "beep" if you want  
>>> it.  I  do and set the menu choice for it.
>> I don't usually trust focus confirmation after using Canon DSLRs  
>> and  a host of Nikon SLRs -D and not D-. Do you find the one on  
>> the k10d  reliable?
>>> I have the early 1:1 Takumar f4 macro and the later Super- 
>>> Takumar  1:2 f4 lenses, both still work well for me, on the  
>>> digitals and on  the Spotmatic.
>>> I also have the very fine SMC Pentax-FA f2.8 100mm 1:1 Macro,  
>>> long  enough to ease my aching back when shooting bent over, and  
>>> the SMC  Pentax-DFA f2.8 50mm 1:1 Macro, which although made for  
>>> digital,  works equally well on my ZX5n film camera.
>> I will ask about those two macro lenses tomorrow to the local  
>> importer.
>> And thank you very much about the advise you gave on the M42   
>> screwmount to bayonet adapters, i was surprised at their low, too   
>> low, local price. Now I suspect why they are so cheap.
>>> Jim, "I wonder where all of my money has gone to" Hemenway
>> Ed "I don`t wanna even think of where all of my money is going  
>> to"  Albesi
>> :-)
>>> Eduardo Albesi wrote:
>>>> Jim, thank you for the image samples, I'm very near to decide  
>>>> the   k10d purchase
>>>> Do you find it easy to manually focus on the standard focusing    
>>>> screen? I'm thinking here especially of those Takumars and SMC- 
>>>> M.  My  previous experience with the Canon 20d/30d was  
>>>> disappointing  until I  resorted to a 3rd party split image  
>>>> focusing screen
>>>> How about the macro 50/4? This is one of the highest priority   
>>>> lenses  to get on my grocery list
>>>> Have you used the 100/2.8 Macro (AF)?
>>>> Ed
>>>> El 01/08/2007, a las 20:00, Jim Hemenway escribi?:
>>>>> Eduardo:
>>>>> My K10d has a larger LCD screen than my isDS, making it easier   
>>>>> to  edit in the camera.
>>>>> I like the rechargeable battery,
>>>>> the shake reduction and dust removal systems,
>>>>> the ability to shoot RAW and JPEG simultaneously,
>>>>> the ability to use fifty years worth of Pentax lenses,
>>>>> and the sealed body.
>>>>> Taken with the K10d and the 10-17 fisheye recently:
>>>>> With an old Macro-Takumar screw-mount lens:
>>>>> I have more, let me know if you want to see them
>>>>> Jim
>>>>> Eduardo Albesi wrote:
>>>>>> I had never considered a Pentax before. Immune to the  
>>>>>> Spotmatic   myth  from the Asahi Pentax era, I really never  
>>>>>> ever touched   either a  K1000, an ME Super, or their younger  
>>>>>> brethren.
>>>>>> Well, I will be traveling soon and then I found myself in    
>>>>>> (mental)  need of something to attach a tele lens to,  
>>>>>> typically  a  DSLR. Tried  the Viso route, but that's not for  
>>>>>> me... The DMR  is  out of range, as  I would rather prefer to  
>>>>>> spend that amount  of  money in some M lenses,  if I had it  
>>>>>> (the $$$).
>>>>>> After an unfortunate misadventure with a Canon 5d, I sold it   
>>>>>> and  was  heading again to the Nikon stable after some years  
>>>>>> of  absence.
>>>>>> D200 or D80? Well, a decision not that simple... I prefer  
>>>>>> using   SD  cards, as I have already lots of them since the M8  
>>>>>> entered  my  life...
>>>>>> OTOH, I have some really precious Nikkor AI and AIs glass  
>>>>>> from    yesterday (24/2, 35/1.4, 85/1.4, the mythical 55/3.5  
>>>>>> and  105/2.8   Micro-Nikkors, etc)
>>>>>> But, one will not meter with the AIs, the other feels too  
>>>>>> heavy  in  my  hands after months of using only the M8...
>>>>>> Last Friday, I entered a shop and was handed a K10d... wow...   
>>>>>> what  a  camera.
>>>>>> It looks and feels as designed for being used...
>>>>>> I wondered, could I? Should I?
>>>>>> I know some Luggers here are Pentax dslr users. Please let  
>>>>>> me   know  your real world real users opinions.... what do you  
>>>>>> like  of  it and  what do you feel it lacks
>>>>>> Reading the reviews (and I have read almost everything about  
>>>>>> it   on  the net), it looks like the camera of the year, it  
>>>>>> has lots   and lots  of useful features that users of other  
>>>>>> brands seem to   have been  forever claiming for.
>>>>>> How about the lenses? I remember some Takumars of grand fame,   
>>>>>> and   some highly regardedSMC Pentaxes  (as the 85/1.4)- I  
>>>>>> have  a  Pentax  645 and I like its lenses performance, much  
>>>>>> better  than  their  Mamiya's counterparts for instance...  
>>>>>> Anything  similar will  make me  happy. And furthermore, those  
>>>>>> 21mm, 40mm  and 70mm Limited  pancake  lenses look very yummy..
>>>>>> I will really appreciate any opinions you may give on or offlist
>>>>>> Thank you  in advance,
>>>>>> Ed
>>>>>> ps. sorry for the long post
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Replies: Reply from eduardoalbesi at (Eduardo Albesi) ([Leica] OT Pentax K10d opinions)
In reply to: Message from sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter) ([Leica] OT adapter)
Message from richard-lists at (Richard) ([Leica] OT adapter)
Message from eduardoalbesi at (Eduardo Albesi) ([Leica] OT Pentax K10d opinions)
Message from Jim at (Jim Hemenway) ([Leica] OT Pentax K10d opinions)
Message from eduardoalbesi at (Eduardo Albesi) ([spam] Re: [Leica] OT Pentax K10d opinions)
Message from Jim at (Jim Hemenway) ([spam] Re: [Leica] OT Pentax K10d opinions)
Message from eduardoalbesi at (Eduardo Albesi) ([Leica] OT Pentax K10d opinions)
Message from Jim at (Jim Hemenway) ([Leica] OT Pentax K10d opinions)