Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/05/10

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Subject: [Leica] OT Re: macallan scotch porn, not great photos but...
From: glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer)
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 13:49:59 -0700
References: <> <796o8r$> <>

Ted and Jay,

Gee, that is a miserable situation.  Our local Whole Foods and Bristol 
Farms seems to have
a good supply of Lagavulin at less than half the Canadian price ( 18 
year old?).  Yes, Ardbeg
is nice, but I prefer Laphroig (peat, iodine, salt and seaweed)

Yours in sympathy,
Jerry Lehrer
La Jolla, California

Jayanand Govindaraj wrote:
> Ted,
> There is hardly any Lagavulin available in Asia. You are lucky that
> you can get a bottle! Apparently, they did not lay down enough 10-20
> yeras ago, and are now paying the price. The only duty free that I
> managed to find a bottle recently is Heathrow, and that too the
> Distillers Edition. Nothing in Dubai, Bangkok or Singapore, some of
> the biggest booze outlets in the world. I am making do with Ardbeg 10
> yo, which is easily available and almost as good!
> Cheers
> Jayanand
> On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 5:44 AM, Ted Grant <tedgrant at> wrote:
>> In case you've wondered about a shortage of fine single malt scotch about
>> the world or you find the price has sky rocketed out of reality to 
>> pleasure
>> of a wee dram.
>> You can blame the distillers for one,  for not being more astute to world
>> demands by countries where the sweet nectar if the Gods was really ever 
>> part
>> of their day to day libation. However, not long ago as I complained to a
>> chap from Scotland about the cost of a bottle of Lagavulin;  @ $104.oo
>> dollars Canadian!!!  :-( That is when it is available for importing.
>> However his comment from the mouth of one of the top folks producing
>> Lagavulin might be interesting? .... The elite of the Asian/India/China 
>> and
>> other countries have found the pleasant taste and are ordering and 
>> drinking
>> single malts the likes never before imagined! The demand is greater than 
>> the
>> availability, ERGO! Prices go up and the product becomes scarce!
>> But really if one is an appreciator of very fine single malt, why would 
>> one
>> ever consider drinking  "oh my God that rot gut Jack Daniels!"  Good only
>> for polishing your old army boots!
>> OK Right now I've moved into the deep side bunker! :-) I keep finding out
>> some people do like it!
>> But I have to say in my defense.  one of the worst hang overs  I've ever
>> suffered in my life was due to the least amount of liquid intake of Jack
>> Daniels! I felt like three Mack trucks had hit me, then backed over me to
>> make sure they did the job right! Trust me it might have been worse!!! :-)
>> One of those when you swear... " God let me live till noon and I swear 
>> I'll
>> never drink again, EVER!!!  That's how bad it was. :-( :-(
>> So when I see people talking about drinking the shoe polish, my body 
>> recoils
>> almost in anticipation of death!
>> At the moment as I sit here and type this I'm enjoying fine Scottish 
>> single
>> malt! What else? .. Lagavulin! :-) But at it's cost the size of the nectar
>> poured is truly limited to a very "wee dram!  :-)
>> Cheers,
>> ted
>> On demographics, in one location in Australia the Jack Daniels distillery
>> presented some tasting sessions with some of their higher end aged 
>> products.
>> They expected a group of the cognoscenti appreciating subtle noses, hints 
>> of
>> honey, smooth palates, whatever. Unfortunately the normal JD product is 
>> seen
>> there more as a working class hard drinking tipple, especially beloved by
>> bikers and those who aspire to that image. The urbane and elegant lady
>> visiting from Tennessee couldn't understand why the customers would treat
>> each sample as a shot to be thrown down in a single gulp nor the repeated
>> requests for coke and ice from the ladies attending.
>> I would have thought that the proliferation of tatoos and piercings, 
>> leather
>> and denim might have given her a clue.
>> 2009/5/10 leo wesson <leowesson at>
>>> I was told that dallas is the fastest growing market for scotch.  
>>> macallan
>>> is hitting it hard, trying to pick up a new demographic.
>>> Leo Wesson
>>> Photographer/Videographer
>>> 817.733.9157
>>> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Jayanand Govindaraj <jayanand at 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Leo,
>>>> That is extreme, even for the USA (-: Especially as nobody can afford
>>>> it nowadays, unless they work on Wall Street (-: Finally the shortage
>>>> of Lagavulin should ease!
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Jayanand
>>>> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 7:04 PM, leo wesson <leowesson at> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> yes, ice and sugar, you are in the usa.
>>>>> Leo Wesson
>>>>> Photographer/Videographer
>>>>> 817.733.9157
>>>>> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Nathan Wajsman <photo at 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Excuse me for a minute while I go and throw up ;-)
>>>>>> Nathan Wajsman
>>>>>> Alicante, Spain
>>>>>> Books:
>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>> On May 9, 2009, at 2:47 PM, leo wesson wrote:
>>>>>>  so i guess that i shouldn't mention that they were serving a mixed
>>>> drink,
>>>>>>> 12 yr with gingerale and a slice of lime....
>>>>>>> Leo Wesson
>>>>>>> Photographer/Videographer
>>>>>>> 817.733.9157
>>>>>>> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 1:17 AM, Jayanand Govindaraj <
>>>> jayanand at
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Nathan,
>>>>>>>> The event was in the USA...(-:
>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>> Jayanand
>>>>>>>> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Nathan Wajsman
>>> <photo at
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Nice, but what are they doing putting those ice cubes/balls into
>>> the
>>>>>>>> single
>>>>>>>>> malt?? Barbarians! Philistines!!!
>>>>>>>>> Nathan
>>>>>>>>> Nathan Wajsman
>>>>>>>>> Alicante, Spain
>>>>>>>>> Books:
>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>> On May 8, 2009, at 6:08 AM, leo wesson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  got invited to a macallan scotch event.  they were demonstrating
>> a
>>>>>>>>>> japanese
>>>>>>>>>> gadget that makes a round ice ball out of an ice cube.  got to
>>> taste
>>>>>>>>>> several
>>>>>>>>>> yummies and walked away with a bottle of 18 yr old with a promise
>>> of
>>>>>>>>>> another
>>>>>>>>>> one in the mail.
>>>>>>>>>> nice evening all told.
>>>>>>>>>> Leo Wesson
>>>>>>>>>> Photographer/Videographer
>>>>>>>>>> 817.733.9157
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>> --
>> Cheers
>> Geoff
>> N

Replies: Reply from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] OT Re: macallan scotch porn, not great photos but...)
In reply to: Message from hopsternew at (Geoff Hopkinson) ([Leica] OT Re: macallan scotch porn, not great photos but...)
Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] OT Re: macallan scotch porn, not great photos but...)
Message from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] OT Re: macallan scotch porn, not great photos but...)