Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/04/21

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Subject: [Leica] IMG: Then and Now
From: robertmeier at (Robert Meier)
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2012 22:15:51 -0500 (CDT)
References: <> <> <> <>

No Global Warming For 15 Years

Source:  GWPF

New UK Met Office global temperature data confirms that the world has not 
warmed in the past 15 years.

Analysis by the GWPF of the newly released HadCRUT4 global temperature 
database shows that there has been no global warming in the past 15 years ? 
a timescale that challenges current models of global warming.

The graph shows the global annual average temperature since 1997. No 
statistically significant trend can be discerned from the data. The only 
statistically acceptable conclusion to be drawn from the HadCRUT4 data is 
that between 1997 ? 2011 it has remained constant, with a global temperature 
of 14.44 +/- 0.16 deg C (2 standard deviations.)

The important question is whether 15 years is a sufficient length of time 
from which to draw climatic conclusions that are usually considered over 30 
years, as well as its implications for climate projections.

The IPCC states that anthropogenic influences on the climate dominated 
natural ones sometime between 1960 ? 80.The recent episode of global warming 
that occurred after that transition began in 1980. The world has warmed by 
about 0.4 deg C in this time. Whilst we live in the warmest decade of the 
instrumental era of global temperature measurement (post-1880), and the 90s 
were warmer than the 80s, the world has not got any warmer in the last 15 
years.  In 2001 and 2007 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 
(IPCC) (and here) estimated that the world would warm at a rate of 0.2 deg C 
per decade in the future due to greenhouse gas forcing. Since those 
predictions were made it has become clear that the world has not been 
warming at that rate.  Some scientists retrospectively revised their 
forecasts saying that the 0.2 deg C figure is an average one. Larger or 
smaller rates of warming are possible as short-term variations.

Global warming simulations, some carried out by the UK Met Office (here, 
here and here), have been able to reproduce ?standstills? in global warming 
of a decade or so while still maintaining the long-term 0.2 deg C per decade 
average. These decadal standstills occur about once every eight decades. 
However, such climate simulations have not been able to reproduce a 15-year 

?Near-zero and even negative trends are common for intervals of a decade or 
less in the simulations, due to the model?s internal climate variability. 
The simulations rule out (at the 95% level) zero trends for intervals of 15 
yr or more, suggesting that an observed absence of warming of this duration 
is needed to create a discrepancy with the expected present-day warming 
rate? (NOAA 2008).

We also note a comment in an email sent by Professor Phil Jones of the 
University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit: ?Bottom line ? the no 
upward trend has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried.?

Whether the global temperature standstill of the past 15 years continues or 
is replaced by warming, as the IPCC predicts, only future data will tell. In 
the meantime the length of the standstill means that the challenge it offers 
for models of future climate prediction, and explanations for past warming, 
cannot be ignored.

Dr David Whitehouse, science editor of the GWPF, said:

?We are at the point where the temperature standstill is becoming the 
dominant feature of the post-1980 warming, and as such cannot be dismissed 
as being unimportant even when viewed over 30 years.?

?It is time that the scientific community in general and the IPCC in 
particular acknowledged the reality of the global temperature standstill and 
the very real challenge it implies for our understanding of climate change 
and estimates of its future effects.?

?It is a demonstration that the science is not settled, and that there are 
great uncertainties in our understanding of the real-world greenhouse effect 
when combined with anthropogenic and natural factors.?

david.whitehouse at
GWPF: 0207 79306856

Technical note: The HadCRUT4 database has been released from 1997 ? 2010. 
The 2011 datapoint has been estimated from the differences between HadCRUT4 
and the two published versions of the previous dataset, HadCRUT3, as 
observed over the past decade. As the HadCRUT3 data includes 2011 it is 
possible to estimate HadCRUT4 as lying between the specified error bars.

This entry was posted on Monday, April 2nd, 2012 at 1:23 pm      and is 
filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 
2.0 feed. 

Sonny -- 

The graph didn't copy.   Here is the URL:


On Apr 21, 2012, at 9:51 PM, Sonny Carter wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Robert Meier <robertmeier at> 
> wrote:
>> Actually the average global temperature has not risen in 15 years.
> Reference please.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Sonny
> Natchitoches, Louisiana
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Replies: Reply from alal at (Akhil Lal) ([Leica] IMG: Then and Now)
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In reply to: Message from amr3 at (Alan Magayne-Roshak) ([Leica] IMG: Then and Now)
Message from photo at (Nathan Wajsman) ([Leica] IMG: Then and Now)
Message from robertmeier at (Robert Meier) ([Leica] IMG: Then and Now)
Message from sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter) ([Leica] IMG: Then and Now)